Thursday, October 6, 2011

Here's the skinny

Good Morning!

So before I jump right into my new plan here's some background. For the past couple years I've been making huge lifestyle changes to better myself, such as not eating fast food, not drinking caffeine, exercising, and becoming a vegetarian. All these things started off really great, but then I got lazy! So I've decided with Max's help to really get serious about getting fit and living a healthy active lifestyle.

Let me clarify that I do not think I am fat, nor do I hate the way I look. I do however, want to be healthy. I've decided to set a modest weight loss goal, obtain it by assessing my diet, and ramping up my current work out routine.

Today I've started logging my calorie intake to decide what I can do to eat healthier. I never realized how many carbs were in everything! The problem I've found myself running into is that in order to promote muscle growth and shed fat you have to eat a lot of protein, which is no problem for your average Joe. For me though, I have to get crafty ( You can only eat so many beans). I don't eat soy products, or use meat substitutions, I'm trying to cut down on dairy and cheese, and I'm allergic to seafood. You see my problem. Max drinks protein shakes but, I think they look and taste like chalk, though I guess strawberry chalk is better than a protein deficiency :).

 Hopefully blogging about my progress will keep me motivated, or at the very least hold me accountable to someone! Max has agreed to be my personal trainer, and trust me he won't go easy on me just because he married me ;). I'm very blessed to have the resources and support to start and maintain a healthy lifestyle!
Now I'm going to commit the biggest sin a woman can make, posting her weight and measurements for all to see HA!

Starting Weight: 145lbs

Stomach Area: 33in.

My Goal
Weight: 125lbs

Chest: Stay the same, but not going to happen HAHA!
Stomach: Toned
Me at my current weight 

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, Stephanie!! Now is the time to take good care of your body. Before I had kids I was a healthy weight, but not living a particularly healthy lifestyle. It is REALLY hard to get in shape when you have a husband, kids, and several jobs, lol.
