Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Let's get things figured out!

Why Hello!

I'm brand spanking new to blogging and you better believe I have no idea what I'm doing! As the title suggests the intent of this blog will be a completely random, but  hopefully entertaining chronicling of my everyday thoughts and happenings. You've been warned.
 I consider myself to be a somewhat outspoken person, and the way I see it I'm doing the virtual world a dis-service by limiting my rants to just Facebook. So I'd like to take this time to thank and/or blame Mrs. Nakia for inspiring me to begin my little page of modest opinions and maybe not so modest rants ;). 

1 comment:

  1. You are most welcome! I am so happy to read your blog!! It's funny because now I find myself thinking of fun things I can blog about during the day. I think it might be addictive. xoxo
